He would never date an 11 year old because he hates children! Plus he is seriously not that desperate. Just speaking the truth!
Cody Barnes is a 17 year old floor model in frankfurt germany.
Nope. Adults do not "date" 14 year old girls.
13 +
Nick, John, Cody, Joe, Chris
He is 14 this year, I love him so much.
No. Cody Simpson is 14, and 14 year old boys universally view nine-year-olds as "little kids".
Probably not, because when that 9 year old turns 13, Cody will be 18. Hope this answered your question :^)
No,Cody is 14 years old he is looking for a more mature girl 11 and up.
Practically speaking, I doubt it. Cody Simpson is 14. Most 14 year old boys have no interest in 11 year old girls, pretty much anywhere you go.
No. 10 is to young for him. Youngest he will date is 13. xx
Yes.If your pretty and nice and funny he would.
It depends if you are pretty. If not, thank god for plastic surgery!
Cody is 16 so I don't think he would date a 12-year old, but of course he likes them! If they're a fan he likes them the second they become an angel! :)
She was born in 1980, so that should make her 30 this year.