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For literary reasons, at the end of Dragon Ball Z Goku regained the spot of being on top as the series ended, with Vegeta finally excepting that Goku is stronger then him. Bringing closer to the series.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Some say that that he can't go Super Saiyan 3 because he is only half-saiyan (human mother, saiyan father), however this is never explicitly mentioned in the series. It is not that Gohan "couldn't" go Super Saiyan 3, he just didn't train to do so. During the Majin Buu saga, Gohan attains the "Mystic Gohan" which is more powerful than a Super Saiyan 3.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Pretty much because GT was all about GOKU kicking everybody's ass. Nobody else!

Really though, it would've been tough for Gohan to pull it off anyway. You have to have a tail to go Super Saiyan 4 (though Vegeta defied that rule at the end of the series, but what do you expect? he's VEGETA), and it's nearly impossible for adult Saiyans to grow their tails back after they're gone. Goku was only able to get his back because he was turned into a kid, and even then it was a royal pain in the ass (literally).

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Goku did not reach the elemental emotional and physicall stress in order to become of such level "five". As far as I know saiyans/sayajins do not have limits. Goku and Vegeta both surpasses what they called "limits". Super saian, super saiyan 2, super saiyan 3, i am not sure about ssj4 because it was not cause primarily of stress. Also, for saiyans, anger is there power, the more angry you become, the more power you attain. Though, at the very stressful times, Goku and Vegeta did fusion (Vegito and Gogeta) to defeat their enemies other than getting so motherf***ing angry they would be filled of rage and kill anything. The point is, they did not feel fear, saiyans do not necissarily feel fear for a long time...they get so pissed they transform and kill ennemies. If their was something to push them far past this limit, and enemy stronger than fusion, Goku and Vegeta just might be able to do it.

Also in DBZ Ultimate Tenkaichi, there is a costume 2 for Gogeta that has silver fur and skin...this might be super saiyan 5.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Gohan can gi ssj3 becaues if fuesed with goku

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Well he turn ssj 3...but it's only on DBGT not DBZ. Since the focus more in goku in GT u can't tell if he does but he does transform.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

He ascends past it. He might be able to, but there is no reason to since it uses a lot of kai (which may be why he can't become one) and he is already a Super Saiyan 4.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It is possible that Vegeta became SSJ3 secretly.

However, it was shown that one needs to be dead to be able to learn and master SSJ3.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

In the movie Lord Slug, Goku couldnt not go Super Saiyan so he had to do a false act of it to make them seem like he was Super. He is unable to go Super Saiyan because of the earths turn.

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Dragon ballz saiyan levels?

Here they are:Goku: Super Saiyan 1, 2, 3, and 4Vegeta: Super Saiyan 1, Ultra Super Saiyan(Ussj), Super Saiyan 2, and 4.Trunks: Super Saiyan 1, Ultra Super Saiyan(Ussj), and Super Saiyan 2.Gohan: Super Saiyan 1, and 2.(Though he has Ultimate Gohan form, it doesn't really count.Teen Gohan: Super Saiyan 1, and 2.Kid Gohan: He doesn't turn Super Saiyan yet.Goten: Super Saiyan 1.Broly: Legendary Super Saiyan.(The rest like 1, 2, or 3 are not shown in DBZ)Gogeta: Super Saiyan 1, and 4.Vegito: Super Vegito(Which I think counts.)

Which episode does goku go super saiyan 3?

What episode does goku turn super saiyan 3?Cut American version episode 230. Super Saiyan 3?!Uncut American version episode 245. Super Saiyan 3?!Japanese episode 245. Super Saiyan 3?!First aired: 9/26/2002

Who will win Lssj3 Broly vs Bills?

Bills.Proof: Akira stated that Super Saiyan God is stronger than a Super Saiyan 3. Means Super Saiyan God Goku is stronger than LSSJ3 Broly, Legendary or not, makes no difference.When Goku turns into a Super Saiyan 3 against Bills, Bills easily flicked him with a finger and he actually defeated him without even breaking a sweat. So if Goku, in his SSJ3 form, can't beat Bills, then there's no way Broly can have a better chance against him.(If you're one of those Broly fanboys going to justify Broly by claiming that his power's growing then it won't work and it's already stated because if Broly's power do grow, wouldn't he turn into a Super Saiyan 3 in the Movie 10, it's obvious)Not just him, even Ultimate Gohan, who is stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku can beat him.LSSJ3 Broly is only around Kid Buu Level, but only weaker. Kid Buu would able to beat him too.

When did Goku turn super saiyan 3?

In the Majin Buu Saga after Buu was resurrected. When Vegeta was in the heavens after he died, he saw Goku go SS3 and accused Goku of mocking him with that transformation. In case you were looking for the episode number it was episode 245

Who is stronger Super Saiyan 3 Goku or Ichigo while using Hollow Mask and Bankai?

goku would win d}'\\]]\]{"}|-.0polk

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Would teen gohan super saiyan 2 defeat super saiyan 3 gotenks in a fight?

if gotenks made him made super saiyan 3 wouldn't matter because gohan would be as strong as gotenks super saiyan 3 plus teen gohan rulez

Is there a super saiyan 4 gohan in Dragon Ball Z Budukai Tenkaichi 3?

no the highest level he can go is super saiyan 2 the highest he can go is super saiyan 2 but goku can go super saiyan 4 and gohan has a great amount of speed.

Is their a video that gohan turns into a super syian 3 and 4?

No, Super Saiyan 2 is as far as he goes, he never becomes Super Saiyan 3 or 4.

With blutz waves could gohan turn super saiyan 4?

Perhaps. As said in Dragonball Gt, in order to turn to a super saiyan 4, the saiyan needed the proper physical condition (Power level Most likely around super saiyan 3 level) then receives causing the transformation to a golden great ape which the saiyan must find himself in the beast to transform to a super saiyan 4. And since gohan is stronger than a super saiyan 3 in mystic (Ultimate gohan) mode, he may turn into a super saiyan 4 However due to the fact he is a half saiyan he may not transform (Although this is not confirmed) Once again, however he did turn into a great ape in the saiyan saga in Dragon ball z so with his major power as ultimate gohan, he should turn into a golden great ape and then to a super saiyan 4.

Who are the characters in Dragon Ball Z Tag Team?

Goku (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3)Vegeta (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)Vegeta (Scouter)Majin VegetaVegito (Super Saiyan)Super GogetaKid GohanTeen Gohan (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)Adult Gohan (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)Ultimate GohanFuture Trunks (Sword) (Base, Super Saiyan)Future Trunks (Base, Super Saiyan)Kid Trunks (Base, Super Saiyan)Goten (Base, Super Saiyan)Gotenks (Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3)PiccoloKrillinTienYamchaChiaotzuVidelRaditzNappaSaibamanFrieza (1st Form, 2nd Form, 3rd Form, Final Form, Full Power)Zarbon (Base, Post-Transformation)DodoriaCuiCaptain GinyuJeiceBurterRecoomeGuldoFrieza SoldierCell (Imperfect Form, Semi-Perfect Form, Perfect Form, Super Perfect)Cell JrAndroid 16Android 17Android 18Android 19Dr. GeroMajin BuuSuper Buu (Base, Gohan Absorbed)Kid BuuDaburaBardockBroly (Legendary Super Saiyan)

Dragon ballz saiyan levels?

Here they are:Goku: Super Saiyan 1, 2, 3, and 4Vegeta: Super Saiyan 1, Ultra Super Saiyan(Ussj), Super Saiyan 2, and 4.Trunks: Super Saiyan 1, Ultra Super Saiyan(Ussj), and Super Saiyan 2.Gohan: Super Saiyan 1, and 2.(Though he has Ultimate Gohan form, it doesn't really count.Teen Gohan: Super Saiyan 1, and 2.Kid Gohan: He doesn't turn Super Saiyan yet.Goten: Super Saiyan 1.Broly: Legendary Super Saiyan.(The rest like 1, 2, or 3 are not shown in DBZ)Gogeta: Super Saiyan 1, and 4.Vegito: Super Vegito(Which I think counts.)

What are the characters in dragon ball raging blast 2?

Goku, Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3 Kid Gohan, Base, Teen Gohan, Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Gohan Adolescent, Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Ultimate Gohan, Vegeta (Scouter) Vegeta, Base, Super Saiyan, Super Vegeta, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Raditz, Nappa, Cui, Recoome, Ginyu, Jeice, Burter Guldo, Zarbon, Base, Post Transformation Nail, Dodoria, Freiza, Base, Second Form, Third Form, Final Form, Full Power Freiza, Trunks (Sword), Base, Super Saiyan, Trunks Fighting Teen, Base, Super Saiyan, Super Trunks, Android 17, Android 18, Android 19, Dr, Gero, Cell, Base, Second Form, Perfect Form, Super Perfect, Cell JR, Saibamen, Majin Buu, Super Buu, Base, Gotenks Absorbed, Gohan Absorbed, Kid Buu, Goten, Base, Super Saiyan, Kid Trunks, Base, Super Saiyan, Gotenks, Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3, Vegito, Base, Super Vegito, Super Gogeta, Janemba, Final Form, Broly, Base, Super Saiyan, Legendary Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3, Bojack, Base, Full Power, Zangya, Bardock, Android 13, Base, Fusion with 14 and 15 Krillin, Dabura, Cooler, Base, Final Form, Meta Cooler, Dore, Neizu, Salza, Mecha Freiza, Piccolo, Pikkon, Tarble, Yamcha, Tien, Future Gohan, Base, Super Saiyan, Android 14, Android 15, Hatchiyack, Turles, Majin Vegeta, Videl, Chiaotzu, Android 16.

When do the cell games happen in Dragon Ball Z?

Season 5 disc 3 to last disc its kool. Gohan kills cell/ Gohan first turns super saiyan 2. Then Goku turns super saiyan 3. And theres after the entire DBZ theres DBGT Dragon ball GT. Baam! SUPER SAIYAN 4!!

Is Mystic Gohan stronger than Goku?

Yes, he is stronger. But not when Goku is Super Saiyan 3 or 4.

What are the dbz ultimate tenkaichi power levels?

Goku (vs Raditz) - 416 Goku (approaching to fight Nappa) - 5,000 Goku (vs Nappa) - 9,000 Goku (vs Vegeta) - 9,000 > 18,000 > 27,000 > 36,000 > 45,000 Goku (vs Recoome) - 5,000 Goku (vs Jeice & Burter) - 90,000 Goku (vs Capt. Ginyu) - 180,000 Goku (vs Frieza final form) - 5,000,000 > 5,600,000 > 6,500,000 > 7,500,000 Super Saiyan Goku (vs Frieza final form & 100%) - 18,000,000 Super Saiyan Goku (vs Android 19) - 25,000,000 Super Saiyan Goku (vs Perfect Cell) - 145,000,000 Super Saiyan Goku (vs Meta Cooler) - 85,000,000 Super Saiyan Goku (vs Broly) - 120,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Goku (vs Majin Vegeta) - 360,000,000 Super Saiyan 3 Goku (vs Majin Buu and Janemba) - 1,020,000,000 Super Saiyan 3 Goku (vs Kid Buu,) - 720,000,000 Super Saiyan 3 Goku (vs Hiruduguarn) - 1,250,000,000 Kid Gohan (vs Nappa) - 2450 Kid Gohan (vs Vegeta) - 3200 Kid Gohan (vs Recoome) - 18,000 Kid Gohan (vs Frieza 2nd form) - 1,200,000 Kid Gohan (vs Frieza 3rd form) - 2,500,000 Super Saiyan Teen Gohan (vs Perfect Cell) - 165,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan (vs Perfect Cell) - 330,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan (vs Super Perfect Cell) - 260,000,000 Ultimate Gohan (vs Super Buu) - 3,645,000,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Goku) - 18,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Cui, Dodoria and Zarbon) - 24,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Monster Zarbon) - 34,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Recoome) - 34,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Jeice) - 84,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Frieza) - 240,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Frieza final form) - 3,000,000 Super Saiyan Vegeta (vs Android 19 and 18) - 24,000,000 Super Vegeta (vs Cell form 2) - 62,000,000 Super Saiyan Vegeta (vs Broly) - 110,000,000 Super Vegeta (vs Cell juniors) - 120,000,000 Super Saiyan Vegeta (vs Super Perfect Cell) - 122,000,000 Majin Vegeta (vs Super Saiyan 2 Goku) - 360,000,000 Super Vegeta (vs Kid Buu and Janemba) - 320,000,000 Vegeta (vs Kid Buu) - 10,000,000 Kid Gohan (vs Nappa) - 1,600 Kid Gohan (vs Frieza form 2) - 1,200,000 Kid Gohan (vs Frieza form 3) - 3,000,000 Super Saiyan Teen Gohan (vs Perfect Cell) - 165,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan (vs Cell juniors and Perfect Cell) - 325,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan (injured vs Super Perfect Cell) - 280,000,000 Mystic Gohan (vs Super Buu) - 3,500,000,000

What are the DBZ Raging Blast 2 power levels?

Goku - 42,000,000 Super Saiyan Goku - 180,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Goku - 360,000,000 Super Saiyan 3 Goku - 720,000,000 Kid Gohan - 4,500,000 Teen Gohan - 32,000,000 Super Saiyan Teen Gohan - 150,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan - 300,000,000 Gohan - 40,000,000 Super Saiyan Gohan - 150,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Gohan - 300,000,000 Ultimate Gohan - 2,400,000,000 Vegeta (Scouter) - 4,500,000 Vegeta - 40,000,000 Super Saiyan Vegeta - 130,000,000 Super Vegeta - 160,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta - 320,000,000 Majin Vegeta - 360,000,000 Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta - 640,000,000 Vegito - 500,000,000 Super Vegito - 4,500,000,000 Super Gogeta - 4,500,000,000 Trunks (Sword) - 30,000,000 Super Saiyan Trunks (Sword) - 60,000,000 Trunks (Fighting) - 40,000,000 Super Saiyan Trunks (Fighting) - 130,000,000 Super Trunks (Fighting) - 140,000,000 Kid Trunks - 18,000,000 Super Saiyan Kid Trunks - 62,000,000 Goten - 18,000,000 Super Saiyan Goten - 62,000,000 Gotenks - 400,000,000 Super Gotenks - 800,000,000 Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks - 1,600,000,000 Gohan (Future) - 11,000,000 Super Saiyan Gohan (Future) - 32,000,000 Piccolo - 105,000,000 Krillin - 11,000,000 Tien Shinhan - 13,400,000 Yamcha - 8,230,000 Chiaotzu - 4,500,000 Raditz - 1,000 Nappa - 7,600 Turles - 360,000 Dodoria - 21,000 Zarbon - 23,000 Monster Zarbon - 28,000 Gludo - 65,420,000 Recoome - 100,000 Jeice - 85,000 Burter - 120,000 Captain Ginyu - 240,000 Frieza - 560,000 Frieza (2nd Form) - 1,200,000 Frieza (3rd Form) - 3,000,000 Frieza (Final Form) - 6,500,000 Frieza (100%) - 15,000,000 Mecha Frieza - 22,000,000 King Cold - 23,540,000 Neizu - 7,000,000 Doore - 6,590,000 Salza - 12,000,000 Cooler - 11,000,000 Cooler (Final Form) - 23,000,000 Meta Cooler - 60,000,000 Dr. Gero - 5,600,000 Android 19 - 9,300,000 Android 18 - 30,000,000 Android 17 - 30,000,000 Android 16 - 34,000,000 Android 15 - 23,000,000 Android 14 - 23,000,000 Android 13 - 25,000,000 Super Android 13 - 50,000,000 Imperfect Cell - 34,000,000 Cell (2nd Form) - 58,000,000 Cell (Perfect Form) - 150,000,000 Super Perfect Cell - 280,000,000 Broly - 20,000,000 Super Saiyan Broly - 120,000,000 Legendary Super Saiyan Broly - 500,000,000 Super Saiyan 3 Broly - 720,000,000 Hatchiyack - 600,000,000 Zangya - 145,000,000 Bojack - 160,000,000 Super Bojack - 320,000,000 Dabura - 260,000,000 Majin Buu - 680,000,000 Evil Buu - 700,000,000 Super Buu - 800,000,000 Super Buu (Gotenks) - 2,200,000,000 Super Buu (Gohan) - 4,000,000,000 Kid Buu - 720,000,000 Janemba - 3,000,000,000 Tarble - 1,200,000

Is legendary super saiyan stronger than any other forms of super saiyan?

== == yah, he cant be killed by anyone just being stronger than him, notice how gohan,gku, and goten killed him, he shot him into the sun Super Saiyan 3 is stronger.