NO, im dating him right now and i have a vagina
yes,pooch hall is gay
yes he has been circumsized
Bug Hall Born Brandon Hall February 4, 1985, Fort Worth, Texas, U.S. Occupation Actor Years active 1994-present Spouse(s) Jill de Groff ( m. 2017)
Yes He Is
Bug Hall's birth name is Brandon Hall.
Bug Hall was born on February 4, 1985.
Bug Hall was born on February 4, 1985.
Brandon "Bug" Hall was nine years of age .
yes,pooch hall is gay
no. stalkerr.
Yes he is so gay!!!!!!!!
Bug Hall was born 1985. He's still alive and is of the age of 26. I bet the reason you were wondering if he was alive or dead had something to do with a rumor around the 2000's or so? The rumor stated Bug Hall was murdered. But, it was later proven false, especially with him appearing in the movie "Get a Clue".
Dean Kajents