Amen, with clifton Davis and sherman helmsley of the jeffersons, george Jefferson
Villains wear black but sometimes they wear different colours so they are not identified, but thats only when they are out. But most of the time they all wear black or dark colours. that is my answer to you all !
Thats my name/
Not me, thats' for sure.
thats what she said
thats is the only way to be baptized is in Jesus name
thats racist
I have no idea lol. Thats what I want to know. :/
thats easy you cant
stuff happend and thats it
thats not a town.
Of group of two - thats D flat Of group of three - thats G flat
She used to, but her schedule now doesn't allow it
rinceton is be dominicano and black : )......thats mi babie
Thats not on Black Ops
she is not racist if thats what your asking.there is black people in her books.
It's Dark and Cold. Thats why.