Easily the Beach of Troy scene. Of course that is entirely up to you.
opening scene
dog troy in the film metro from 1997
Helen of Troy was played by Diane Kruger in the movie Troy. The love interest of Brad Pitt (Achilles) in the movie was Briseis played by Rose Byrne.
This quote is originally from Aquilies in the movie Troy. However, it is also quoted by Leonidas in the movie 300, in an allusion to the movie 'Troy'.
Nathan Jones
when his cousin dies.
The movie? The best scene in the movie is when Will is trying to sing. That is by far the best.
The best lesbian scene in a movie depends on who you ask. Good scenes can be found in the movie Mia, Wild Things, and Bound.
The movie troy mainly follows achilles in his quest to become remembered for all eternity although the film follows several other smaller stories including the founding of the roman empire with a small scene at the end where a young man is given the sword of troy. Which is the beginings of the aneid
The most recent, and I think the best, is "Troy".
The death scene in 1965 is a movie of the Alfred Hitchcock Hour. The director in the movie was Harvey Hart and the stars were Alfred Hitchcock and Vera Miles.
The scene in question is the final scene of the movie, not just another scene.
its like a big boi nao rite nao
The city of Troy in Asia Minor.
The movie Saving Private Ryan is a fictional WWII film, whose first battle scene occurs on June 6, 1944--D-Day.