

Best Answer

Floss Them

Whiten Them

Use a toothpick

Gring Them


Remove Them

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Q: Besides brush them name something people do to their teeth?
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Related questions

Can you brush your teeth while you have strep throat?

Yes. Ideally you should brush your teeth, every time you eat something.

Why do you use tooth paste when you brush your teeth?

Because they really haven't created anything else to clean your teeth besides mouthwash

Besides a person name something that has teeth?


Can people brush their teeth with soap?

disgusting no.

What do Amish people use to brush their teeth?


A brush for cleaning the teeth is?

It's called a toothbrush. You put something called toothpaste on it and scrub your teeth with it.

What the person called that takes care of you teeth?

The great majority of people brush their own teeth. Infants and toddlers usually have a parent to brush the teeth. Very old people usually have an orderly or nursing aide brush their teeth.

How do people clean their teeth?

They brush them for 2 minutes.

How many people in the world brush there teeth?


How did people brush there teeth in the 1800?

i dont think they did

How did people brush their teeth in the 1800s?

with a toothbrush and toothpaste.......

How do you brush an ogars teeth?

are you on meds or something ogars dont exsist.If its for a videogame though then I understand just brush it like you would brush your dogs or something,but seriously is this a joke?Thats my question.