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his painting (oil on canvas one?) painted in 1951, one Dutchman believed he created this picture so he broke into the museum where this painting was and destroyed it.

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Q: Barnett Newman meaning of Cathedra
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Why was Barnett Newman's painting Cathedra attacked in 1997?

the attacker didn't like abstract art

What has the author Barnett Newman written?

Barnett Newman has written: '[Paintings]' 'Barnett Newman'

When was Barnett Newman born?

Barnett Newman was born on January 29, 1905.

What is Barnett Newman's birthday?

Barnett Newman was born on January 29, 1905.

When did Barnett Newman die?

Barnett Newman died on July 4, 1970 at the age of 65.

How old was Barnett Newman at death?

Barnett Newman died on July 4, 1970 at the age of 65.

Art can evoke different emotions and reactions in people Which painting was attacked by someone who didn't like abstract art?

The answer is Barnett Newman's Cathedra which was attacked in 1997 The attacker claimed he and Newman completed "Who is afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue" together and hated how the restoration was done. However, it wasn't up when he went, so he took out a carpet knife and destroyed Cathedra. His name was Gerard Jan van Bladeren

Art can evoke different emotions and reactions in people. Which painting was attacked by someone who didn't like abstract art?

The answer is Barnett Newman's Cathedra which was attacked in 1997 The attacker claimed he and Newman completed "Who is afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue" together and hated how the restoration was done. However, it wasn't up when he went, so he took out a carpet knife and destroyed Cathedra. His name was Gerard Jan van Bladeren

How old is Barnett Newman?

Barnett Newman was born on January 29, 1905 and died on July 4, 1970. Barnett Newman would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 110 years old today.

What years did Barnett Newman paint?

From the 1930s till 1970.

Why did barnett newman say he painted?

Because he was a painter.

How do you spell Cathedra?

The spelling "cathedra" is a bishop's chair, or his official position. The similar term is "cathedral" meaning a church, usually a large one that is the principal church of a diocese.