Derek Kerr's birth name is Derek William Kerr.
Annette Kerr's birth name is Catherine Annette Kerr Peacock.
Ronnie Kerr is 5' 9".
Findlay Kerr died in 1980-11.
Miranda Kerr goes by Randa.
The first Chris Brown CD was actually intitled Chris Brown, and his latest album is intitled Exclusive.
YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mrs. kerr
John Kerr and Deborah Kerr are not related, but have played opposite each other on stage.
vessel which flag intitled to fly
Amy Kerr's birth name is Amy Elizabeth Kerr.
Dagney Kerr's birth name is Dagney Michelle Kerr.
Frederick Kerr's birth name is Frederick Grinham Kerr.
Jamie Kerr's birth name is James John Kerr.