If you are born left handed, then you are left handed with the ability to use your right.
Being able to use both hands is called being ambidextrous. Teaching yourself to be ambidextrous is called penwald.
I was born on Feb 4, anyone that I have met with the same BD is left handed. I say he was left handed!
LEFT-HANDED! not right-handed!
He was born left handed but eventually learned how to do things with his right hand.
tyler james williams is ..... left handed. FYI, tyler was born left handed.
left handed
He is right handed.
I think he is right handed from observing him writing. Right (Paul (and Ringo was born leaf handed but became ambexitorous when he broke his left)was the only Lefthander in the group)
animals are usually born left hand beacause the have no musle or tendensy in the right so in other words the are NOT right handed
He's right handed
She is Right-Handed
she is left handed
right handed