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Yes, weeds are technically considered producers. This is because primary consumers will come along and eat these weeds for food.

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Q: Are weeds producers
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Producers ex: grass, bushes, weeds, shurbs

What kinds of producers live in wetlands?

Cattails, tall grass, and weeds wild flowers,and rear leaves

What producers are in a woodland?

producers are plants. so in a woodland, the primary producer would be the trees, followed by shrubs, weeds, flowers, etc. Anything that would grow in a woodland

Which organisims are the producers in this ecosystem?

Well, it depends on which ecosystem. In most ecosystems the plants are the producers and the rodents and insects are the first level consumers. Plants like grass and weeds are consumed by field mice and other rodents.

What are two primary producers in wetlands?

Primary Producers are always plants, any type of plant. For wetlands some examples of producers could be cat tails, tall grass, weeds, water lily's, flowers or even the leaves off of trees, if its a plant and can be consumed, its a producer.

Is pond weed consumer or producer?

Like all plants they are producers. We often think of "weeds" are pests that grow where they shouldn't but they are looking to grow and made seeds like most plants do.

What are some advantages for producers of non organic food?

They can use chemicals to control weeds and insects, which helps to make production less labor intensive. That in turn can be reflected in lower prices at the supermarket.

What are 10 producers and 10 consumers of grassland ecosystem?

Producers provide much needed energy in an ecosystem. Ten producers in a forest ecosystem are: grass, berries, shrubs, flowers, trees, weeds, algae, lichen, mosses, and fungi.

What is the collective noun for weeds?

The collective nouns are a clump of weeds or a patch of weeds.

Are flowers plants or weeds?

Even weeds are lplants and many weeds have flowers so flower are both plants and weeds. flowers you dont want growing where they are are weeds. as are plants.

Why are weeds clasified as noxious?

why do we classify weeds