Of course not its just the gimmick untertakers real brother was the one who faced him in the undertaker vs undertaker match
Within WWE Kayfabe, Kane and The Undertaker are infact half-brothers. They have been told to have been born from the same mother, with different fathers respectivately.
The characters of Kane and the Undertaker are half brothers, yes In real life, the actors / athletes who portray them are not. Kane's real name is Glen Jacobs and he was born in Spain to US air force service member family. The Undertaker's real name is Mark Calaway and he was born in Houston, Texas. The Brothers of Destruction, is just a fun plot device for dramatic purposes.
They are not related. It is just a storyline. The Undertaker's real name is Mark Calaway. Kane's real name is Glen Jacobs.
Yes, his counterpart Kane is his brother, hence the tag team name "Brothers of Destruction". October 17, 2008 Kane and The Undertaker are not brothers in real life!!!!! It is Story line only!!!! Taker on the other hand in real life has four brothers.
undertaker and kane- the brothers of destruction
The wrestlers The Undertaker and cane are not at all related, but the wrestling world calls them brothers. the Undertaker has four real brothers.
I love undertaker Undertaker and Kane are brothers in real life.But,they are only half brothers. (p.s."I love undertake ISN'T a answer)
Kane is his half brother.
No they are not
Theyare half brothers
Kane was burned by the Undertaker. The Undertaker killed his family by burning them and Kane who is known as Diesel. The Undertaker and kane are brothers well half brothers but i think what was posted before i wrote this is a big lie kane burns himself
They are half brothers. Kane was adopted into Mark Callaway's (The Undertaker) family when they were babies since Kane's father died.
Within WWE Kayfabe, Kane and The Undertaker are infact half-brothers. They have been told to have been born from the same mother, with different fathers respectivately.
In 1997, Paul Bearer brought Kane to the WWE ( then WWF ) to challenge the Undertaker. It was revealed that he was the Half-Brother of the Undertaker, and later on that Paul Bearer is Kanes father.
Its apart of a storyline. Kane and The Undertaker are kayfabe brothers.