People from real life.
Optimus Prime...
A video game movie with real people is Silent Hill.
Jade Errol Puget
Yes she does, as a matter of fact she has two. The man and woman people seen on Dancing with the Stars are not her real parents. I am pretty certain about this, however I could be wrong.
no they are not real they are all fake
They cant be born but if you mutated it im sure you would be able to get a two headed shark
Yes. Two headed snakes are real, as are other two headed animals. Usually they are mutants. Be careful when you see a picture or video of one, it could be fake.
yes, it is real there are many two headed animals and humans from my personal expericience though but yes they are real to humans and animals
You have a novelty item called a magician's coin. It's not real.
Yes,there is a two headed calf.
Two Headed was created in 1995.
Two-headed coins are not real, they are Magician's Coins made by altering two normal coins and gluing the pieces back together. These sell on eBay all the time for a couple dollars.
$8.95 at a novelty shop. These are made outside the mint by cutting down two real coins.
two headed snake
In the sandlot it was "Ham" Hamilton porter but real name is Patrick Renna.
The Two Headed Freap was created in 1972.