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Q: Are there awards for special people who help others?
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David Pelzer's achievement?

he won many awards for his books and for speaking out to help others.

How are you special?

Everyone has a certain quality about them that makes them special. For instance, I like to help people so for me to care for others helps other people out--its like a bonus *Everyone is very special in their own way. You may be funny, or maybe just plain kind. The point is everyone, is very special in their own special way.

How did Saint Patrick help others?

he inspired people to be good and help others if they were in trouble

What does Caritas Australia do to help others?

help people

Why do people forcibly help others rather than ask them if they actually need help?

People like to feel important, so they forcibly help others instead of asking them if they actually need help.

What information does the Help Others website provide?

The website Help Others specializes in teaching people how they can help others in a variety of different ways. They offer smile cards, stories, and ideas on how to be kind to others.

Why do people do life saving?

A desire to help others.

How did Oparah help others?

Oparah Saves Money And Ask Other People To Help The Poor People Thats How She Does It

How do guitars help others?

They don't help people, but are musical instruments and allow people to create good music.

Why do people do volntery work?

People do voluntary work to help others nation

What causes people to have special needs and why?

The causes vary. Some people are born with disabilities that are physical or mental. While others get into accidents that result in a person having special needs. Sometimes a special needs situation is caused by a disease and the resulting treatments. So, it isn't any one thing and any one of us could be a person who has special needs in their life time. Another thought; as we age things happen to our bodies and we may require special help in some format. The next time you see a person who does require special help realize that in your life you may need some help as well at some time.

What is L.D class?

A L.D is class is a learning diabalaty class