Yes, they're everywhere.
...Come on man, don't be an idiot -_- You live in the real world. Not the world of Bella and Edward Cullen. Please wake up and come back to reality.
The main characters are Bella and Edward. but if you count everyone: vampires: Alice Cullen, Jasper Hale, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, James, Victoria, and Laurent. humans:, Charlie Swan, Renee Dwyer, Phil Dwyer, Tyler, Mike Newton, Angela Weber, and Jessica Stanley. the shape shifters are :Jacob black and billy black ( they are not true were wolves so if you didn't know then you need to read the 4th book its the best) those are the main characters what is up twilight lovers just like me --All of that is correct except Billy Black ISN'T a shape shifter. His grandfather was and his son is but he isn't. The reason for this is because the Quilleutes only change into wolves if there are vampires nearby, and when Billy was younger there wern't any vampires nearby. When the vampires did come (the Cullens) Billy was old and anyway, Sam Uley (another shape-shifter) was there to take his place, so Billy never changed. Hope this helps =))
Because vampires are cold-blooded.
Of course, he probably does like any other celebrity.
Here's that part from the book: "Do you know the Cullen family?" I asked hesitantly. "Dr. Cullen's family? Sure. Dr. Cullen's a great man." "They... the kids... are a little different. They don't seem to fit in very well at school." Charlie surprised me by looking angry. "People in this town," he muttered. "Dr. Cullen is a brilliant surgeon who could probably work in any hospital in the world, make ten times the salary he gets here," he continued, getting louder. "We're lucky to have him -- lucky that his wife wanted to live in a small town. He's an asset to the community, and all of those kids are well behaved and polite. I had my doubts, when they first moved in, with all those adopted teenagers. I thought we might have some problems with them. But they're all very mature -- I haven't had one speck of trouble from any of them. That's more than I can say for the children of some folks who have lived in this town for generations. And they stick together the way a family should -- camping trips every other weekend... Just because they're newcomers, people have to talk."
She has Jasper, so I suppose she is content in her life. Although, vampires are never able to move forward so life can get tedious.Another answer:She enjoys her life with Jasper very much, and has no memory of her life before she was turned, so she would not be able to compare life before and after being a vampire. Her first vision was of Jasper Whitlock becoming her mate and of a happy future with the Cullen family. This prevented her from becoming a murderous beast and she used her time to improve her "vegetarian lifestyle".[1]
In the Twilight series, the Cullen family are vampires and garlic doesn't have any effect on them. They are immune to garlic's supposed negative effects on vampires, like repelling them or weakening them.
Edward Cullen
Yes. He lives next door to me. :) Vampires are entirely fictional.
The Cullen family in Twilight were not allowed to trespass on Quileute tribal land. This was because of an ancient treaty between the Quileute werewolves and the Cullen vampires that stated the Cullens could not enter the Quileute territory.
No, Edward Cullen did not have any biological siblings before he was adopted by the Cullen family. He was turned into a vampire by Carlisle Cullen, who became like a father figure to him.
ROSALIE Cullen does not actually have any special powers. Edward, Alice, and Jasper are the only vampires in the family that have powers. Edward can read minds, Jasper can change the atmospheric emotion of a person, and Alice can see what is going to happen to a person in the future based on the path which the person currently has chosen to take.
The Cullen Family, I really don't remember any of there names, but I say they are good actors and actress. (The Cullen Family without Robert Pattinson)
There won't be any vampires in Alabama because they do not exist. Vampires are mythical creatures, like werewolves.
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is a vampire. This is why his skin shimmers in the sunlight, and that is why vampires don't like to be in the sunlight- because otherwise, people would know that they were different from others. This is why the Cullens live in Forks, Washington, U.S.A.- it is cold and rainy there, barely any sunlight.
Yes, the Cullen family has no known cousins in their family. The Hale family in the Twilight series includes Rosalie and Jasper, who are siblings, and they do not have any direct cousins mentioned in the books.
She doesn't have any powers. The only one with powers in the Cullen family is Edward and Alice.