yes there are pictures there are some in magazines and in books about his life
He doesn't sing any songs in Arabic.
Nope no pictures.
Michael Jackson's White SkinMichael Jackson's skin was white because he had a rare skin condition called vitiligo.Vitiligo is an inherited genetic disorder. It is a condition in which you lose melanocytes (cells that give color to the skin). This results in smooth, white-milky patches in the midst of normally pigmented skin. In the case of African-Americans, this discoloration is very prominent, although any age, sex and race can suffer from it.
I know of pictures on his son alone but not with him.
No but I have seen a few pictures where his butt is hanging out!
yes Michael jacksons doctor was there when he passedaway.
No Quincy wasn't in any of Michael's videos.
He doesn't sing any songs in Arabic.
Anybody can develop vitiligo at at any stage of life. Vitiligo affects both genders and all races equally.
Jermaine Jackson is my final answer i honestly dont know , but i doubt any of his brothers could be as famous as Michael Jackson
There are a lot of misconceptions about vitiligo but everybody should understand that vitiligo is not a harmful disease it just de-pigments the skin.It does not cause any sexual disorder and people who have vitiligo can have children and previously many vitiligo patients already have children. But there are increased chances of vitiligo in children of vitiligo patients.Source:
No, Vitiligo is not so dangerous disease. No, vitiligo's simply a pigmentation deficiency in which the melanin cells are not producing pigment, therefore the skin turns white. It's not contagious either.
There is not any online information as to who Michael Oher's girlfriend is. As of November 2013, there does not seem to be any pictures of him with a girlfriend.
This skin disease is hereditary so someone in his family had it. It could go way back to his great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather. He may have just been unlucky and caught it. He began to see the white spots around the mid 70's when he first began to use makeup to cover it up. He tried to do this for as long as possible but he began turning white very fast, until finally he underwent some sort of treatment for it.
Michael Jackson suffered from vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disease that causes irregular patches of the skin to lose their pigment. Anyone of any race can get this condition and it is incurable.Globally about 1% of people are affected by vitiligo. Some populations have rates as high as 2-3%. Males and females are equally affected. About half show the disorder before age 20 and most develop it before age 40. Vitiligo has been described since ancient history.
He did not use any cream... He had a serious disease called vitiligo. If you were to search it on Youtube he explains that he uses nothing but make-up and he has never heard of any skin cream or skin bleaching. R.I.P Michael Jackson!...We love You always and forever!!
No vitiligo cannot change the color of one's entire body uniformly, it causes change of color in the form of patches. Albinism is the disease which is related with complete loss of pigmentation. For more information on vitiligo and albinism visit: