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Q: Are there anny good movies like Goodfellas?
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What is a good movie if you don't like horror movies?

If you don't like horror movies, you still have plenty to choose from! Movies about love and friendship are usually good choices, for example Princes Protection Program.

Why do Italian's have a tough reputation?

This is coming from someone who's 25% Italian. Some of it comes from our tempers. But a lot of that's exagerated in movies like Taxi Driver, Mean Streets, Midnight Run, and Goodfellas. Look at video games like Grand Theft Auto and Mafia.

What is Bettter Movies or Books?

Movies are good. They are different. The book would be more interesting. But, I like movies. They are much are much faster.

Impact of movies on students?

Some movies would have a bad impact on students, like if it was R rated and had a lot of blood. Some movies would have a good impact on students, like family movies that have a deep meaning. Also good movies might help inspire students to do better in life.

What color is the best?

yellow personal opion really i like plaid but you could like anny color you like

What are some good movies with dancing in it like Step Up 2?

Good gangsta dance movies? Pime taradox. Older movies: Dirty Dancing, White Nights, Daddy Longlegs

Where is a good website to look for movies?

movie is a pretty great website to look at movies they have like scream 4 diary of a wimpy kid 2 and all sorts of those good movies.

Is there any good movies like show me love?

Friends with benefits

Are there any other good movies like busty cops?


Is mama mia a good movie?

yeea is a good moviie if yew like musical movies .

What are the shreck movies called?

the shreck movies are called, forever after, never ever, and new life or something like that. but they are all good movies! if you havent, you should.:)

What country makes good movies?

All of them do. All of them also make bad movies. It depends on what you like, so expose yourself to movies from many different countries!