I am a studio musician - I saw TSO this past Dec. at Nassau Colliseum in LI NY> I was furtunate to have seating directly under the stage. I could have easily jumped on stage, that's how close I was. I was so close that when one of the guitar players cam to my side I could hear the picking of his guitar strings. I found this unusual since I have played live many, many times and I know from the way he was picking and the sound that was coming out of the PA could not possibly be what he was playing. Then I began to observe closer - I checked out the oriental violinist - I also play the violin....once I tiook a closer look and watched him bow against the strings while he just took a leaping jump from one part of the stage to my side (I was only maybe 4 ft away from him) his bow bounced up and down the strings - yet the audio from the violin was a contstant straight smooth no flutter . How can this be? I then started to serioulsy check out all of them on stage - The drummer was definitely playing, the bass player - not sure - the audio of his bass was very rounded and compressed yet he plays with a pick which (I also play bass) would resonate some high end clickingon the strings - his bass sound from the pa sounded more like a Taurus pedal than a bass - no way the bass played on stage was what I was earing out of the PA. The only guitar that may have been live was the lead - I know this because he made a mistakeon one ofthe songs and it was clear - ANother thing that baffled me - was - there were no guitar or bass amps anywhere in sight. I an see uner the stage as well - Nothing !?? It may well be that they are going DI (direct input tothe board) but even so - the feedback and audio would never translate as what I heard in PA if they were playing direct. I have to say that TSO does NOT entirely play all their instruments live - They are all playing to a click as well as an audio track. The vocalists (some) do sing live - some of the girls that do the magic Flute Mozart leads - do NOT - Running up and down the aisles and not hearing any pop in the mics or any breath - tell me that they are lip syncing - The keyboards - I could not tell - did not have a view of their hands -
Even with what I am revealing here - I still give them credit - because their compositions are still very original and unique - Bottom line - I will go to see them again - just because I like their mix of classical and metal - and I will not lookso close next time -
Trans-Siberian Orchestra members do play live on stage during their performances. The band is known for their elaborate stage shows and skilled musicianship. While some elements of their music may be pre-recorded for certain effects or backing tracks, the core instrumental and vocal performances are live.
Here is why TSO has the name they do as explined by Paul O'neill himself during an intervierw. The Trans-Siberian Orchestra is neither from Siberia nor an orchestra. So how did the entourage get its name? "We had just turned in the first album and Atlantic Records was pressuring us for a name," group co-founder Paul O'Neill says. "I got a phone call from Atlantic saying the album was going to print the following morning and that if we did not come up with a band name they were going to call it Billy and the Boingers and we would have to live with it. "In the 1980s, I was fortunate enough to have been in Russia. If anyone has ever seen Siberia, it's incredibly beautiful but incredibly harsh and unforgiving. And the one thing everybody has in common there is the Trans-Siberian Railroad that moves across it in relative safety. "Life, too, can be incredibly beautiful but also incredibly harsh and unforgiving. Music is the one thing we all have in common that moves across it in relative safety. So we decided to call the band Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It was a little philosophical but we liked the initials, TSO, and the fact that it was different. And it still sounded good in the morning."
The band is actually called Fall Out Boy, and the members are Joe Trohman, Patrick Stump, Andy Hurley and Pete Wentz.
There are 5 official members of coldplay, but only 4 of them are actually "Band members"
The Sammy Jensen Orchestra has been enjoyed by ballroom dancers for as long as anyone can remember. It was first organized as more of a polka band by Sammy in 1939 and then reconstituted after members returned from WWII. Sammy sold the band to musician Irv Peterson of Marshall, Minnesota in 1981. Under Irv's direction and with his amazing arrangements of tunes from the Big band era, he expanded the playing area of the orchestra and the group has been heard throughout the Midwest as well as south to Texas and west to California. In addition to being a successful band leader, Irv operated the Peterson Music Store in Marshall for 30 years serving nearly all of southwestern Minnesota. The Sammy Jensen Orchestra has received numerous awards and was selected by the National Ballroom and Entertainment Association as one of two bands to play on their 1989 Big Band Caribbean Cruise featuring Irv's daughter Kelly Peterson. In 1998, the orchestra was inducted into the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame. The orchestra has recorded several CDs.
On studio records, composer and keyboardist for the band, Robert Kinkel, conducts the orchestra. When Trans-Siberian Orchestra puts on live shows they have a violinist who directs the orchestra and a band leader who is in charge of the entire band for that particular tour. Those members currently consist of Robert Kinkel, Al Pitrelli, Derek Wieland, and Roddy Chong.
The String section has the most members in the orchestra.
The number of members can actually vary quite a bit depending on the particular piece being performed. In general, there are around 90 performers, as the Boston Pops Orchestra is simply the the Boston Symphony Orchestra with the first chair players removed.
The largest orchestra? Actually, the size of any orchestra is determined by the composer who will specifically call out which and how many of each instrument is to be used when playing his/her work. Orchestra sizes range from about 40 to 110 members in all. Not all are used for every work.
As of 2007 the National Symphony Orchestra of Peru had ninety members.
That depends entirely on which orchestra is in question.
A symphony orchestra contains about 80 to 100musicians.A chamber orchestra will have about fifty or less.
French horn orchestra members chicago symphony 1963
greg Poiret
Yes. All members of the canine family are vertebrates.