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In the WWE, formerly the WWF, matches are not fixed. The wrestlers are allowed to perform any moves they desire - as long as it creates the minimum amount of damage to their opponent. Next time you watch, look at how they clothesline each other - the victim falls back just before he runs his forearm into his throat. Another example is if he is "Ground and Pounding". He will usually only punch him in the arm or on the top of the head. If they are standing up, the offender stomps on the ground just before he pulls is punch. Don't get me wrong on this part, though - when you are thrown off the top of a 20 foot sell or ladder or put through a table, or being frogsplashed from the top rope, it will hurt. Badly.

If you look at the match between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania 26, Hart was smacking McMahon with the chair pretty hard. This is because they actually do, in real life, hate each other's guts - the rivalry started way before the Montreal Screwjob.

The blood is not fake. It is usually by accident, but take a quick look at Stone Cold and Bret Hart's Wrestlemania match. Bret Hart messed him up, good.

The cells in steel cage or hell in a cell matches are not steel - it is iron. Same principal applies with the turnbuckles when the wrestler takes the padding off, or when a wrestler slams the other's head into the steel steps. But like I said, it is pulled back.

Some matches ARE fixed, however the majority is not. For example, there would be no way that Kane would defeat the Big Show in real life; it just wouldn't happen - maybe if he shot him in the head :).

When it comes down to it, the only thing that is absolutely fixed are the winners of the matches. Vince McMahon decides on the winners to keep an on screen rivalry going. It is up to the wrestlers to get to that point, however.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Yes, the matches are predetermined.

That's why it is called 'Sports Entertainment', not a 'sport'.

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13y ago

all of the winners in prowrestling are predetermined.

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Q: Are the WWE matches predetermined
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