They are neutral.
Jawas are incredibly passive creatures only possessing Ion blasters for disabling droids (not destroying them). Due to their lack of weaponry they are very defenseless and have never known to be dangerously hostile and don't appear to take sides between the Rebellion and the Empire. Whilst they are Scavengers, they are merely exploiting a business opportunity that never seemed to harm anyone and was beneficial to the moisture farmers of Tatooine. The only reason they are neutral and not good is because they don't take sides and hence are not involved with the Rebellion. .
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The droid in question was R5-D4, despite the fact that Luke refers to him as an R2 unit.
"Bad Company" sang it in 1975
the bad guys in star wars are: chancellor palpatine, count dooku, darth maul, the emperor droid army, such as general grieveous, droid commander and droideka. also the imperial army. darth vadar was a bad guy, but i would recommend not considering him as a bad guy since he was tricked by palpatine, and told anakin that if he didnt turn to the dark side, padme, anakin's wife, would die. But now he is a good guy and everything is turned back to normal.
In general, parody existing is a good thing, though there are subjectively good and bad parodies.
I have good news and bad news which do you want to here first.
They are both neutral. Tuskans and Jawas occasionally fight each other, but neither is really good or bad.
In my opinion the books are not as good as the movies but most of the Star Wars comics are really good.
The clone troopers are neither good nor bad, in the Star Wars franchise. While, they did bad things they were following their commanders orders and were not doing them out of evil intent..
Star wars is the best story because the choosen one becomes bad but there is still something good in him.
That depends on a person's point of view. In mine, he is good.
The Empire and the Borg The Federation and the Rebels from Star wars are good guys and would become allies in fighting the bad guys.
That's just the type of thing that they prefer. The storyline of Star Trek may not appeal to them as much as the storyline of Star Wars. On Star Trek the good guys are not all good, and the bad guys are not all bad. Some people may be uncomfortable with this character shading which mirrors real life, and they prefer the straightforward good versus evil conflict of Star Wars. I think that clever peole like star trek and the rest of you just like the violence in star wars.
Because he is the original clone, so he still has some good in him, but he works for the bad.
George Lucas is the original writer for star wars, he has changed it for good or for bad (most who saw the original say for bad) and wrote the prequels when filming the original.
(whispering) they are both bad, you can tell that by... (SHOUTING) ACTUALLY WATCHING THE FILMS!!