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Noo lol, they are not dating. At the moment Miley Cyrus is dating her back up dancer who is several years older than her, as for Skandar Keynes he is curently in a happy relationship with a wonderful girl. p.s. I am not allowed to give out her name. But just to stop the curiousity, skandar and miley are not dating.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

no, he is dating a girl named Renata, if I'm not wrong :(

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Q: Are skandar keynes and Anna popplewell dating?
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Is Anna Popplewell an atheist?

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What is the to brothers of chronicels Narnia?

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Some of the main cast members for "The Chronicles of Narnia" film series include Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, William Moseley, Anna Popplewell, and Ben Barnes. Each of these actors played key roles in the various movies of the series, bringing the beloved characters from the books to life on screen.

What movies has Anna popplewell starred in?

The movie that stars Anna Popplewell and Skandar Keynes is the 2005 film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. They also starred in the 2008 film The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, and the 2010 film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

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Lucy (Georgie Henley), Edmund (Skandar Keynes), Susan (Anna Popplewell) and Peter (William Moseley) Pevensie. Aslan (Liam Neeson. Prince Caspian (Ben Barnes).

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Anna Popplewell portrays Susan, Georgie Henley is Lucy, William Moseley plays Peter, and Skandar Keynes is Edmund in the "Chronicles of Narnia" film series.

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William Mosley is dating Anna Popplewell

Is William mosley dating?

William Moseley is dating Anna Popplewell.