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First of all, I believe they should have detailed this relationship further. It seems as though they show some affection especially towards the end of the last season when she awakes to him coming home. One can only assume they have feelings for another. On the matter of relationships a movie follow up should be released to show what has happened in their adult lives. And through in that next tourny for ruler of demon world. One can only hope

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

no. it states it in the manga. he respects and pits her and he conciters he a great alley friend but nothing more.

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No in yu yu hakusho botan doesnt like hiei more then a friend..but people like to think of them as a couple because they believe they would make a good couple. I always thought that Hiei had too much of a edge for botan, though vegeta from the dragon ball series has the same personality (with the same black hair) and he hooked up with bulma, a girl who sharply resembles botan with her blue hair who also had an upbeat spirit. Botan would have hooked up with Urameshi if it had not been for Kayko . .

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Why do fans like hiei?

Cause he has a sword, is super fast, and beasts it up with everybody. Refer back to Hiei vs. Zeru. Another is Hiei vs. Seiryu (more murderous in the manga), and with the demon in the dark tournament with the axe hand he stabs through the mouth. His final fight was one of his best, for Hiei lost his arm, only to cut off his enemy's arm, but then gets cut in the stomach. Then Hiei cuts his enemy's head in half. Beast. His fire and dragon energy coupled with his beast sword skills and speed makes a character no one can resist. That's Why I named my esername MrHiei101.