Christopher Atkins is 56 years old (birthdate: February 21, 1961).
Brooke Shields was born on May 31, 1965
Brooke Shields married to Andre Agassi from 1997 to 1999 Brooke Shields married to Chris Henchy in 2001
As of 2014 actress Brooke Shields is 49 years old. Brooke Shields started as a child model and then moved onto acting.
Brooke Shields plays Hannah Montana's mom on the show.
Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins starred in The Blue Lagoon.
Christopher Atkins is 56 years old (birthdate: February 21, 1961).
Maybe "The Blue Lagoon" (1980). Stars Brooke Shields, Christopher Atkins, Leo McKern.
The 1980's movie that was marketed as a "sensuous story of natural love" was the movie "The Blue Lagoon." The movie starred Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins.
Brooke Shields is a/an Actress,model
Brooke Shields was born on May 31, 1965
Brooke Shields has 2 children
Brooke Shields goes by Brookie.
Yes, Brooke Shields has 2 kids.
Brooke Shields married to Andre Agassi from 1997 to 1999 Brooke Shields married to Chris Henchy in 2001
Brooke Shields was born on May 31, 1965.