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No backstage fight are just as scripted as the ones in the ring

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Q: Are backstage fights real
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How do you hack smack down vs raw to get backstage fights?

You have to unlock it in the game, you cannot ' cheat ' or ' hack ' to get the backstage fight option.

Was the Jersey Shore fights real?

Yes, the fights were 100% real.

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yes they are

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No its not real. Most events & fights are pre planned

What is a backstager?

A backstager is a person who works backstage, or a drama dealing with the real lives and relationships of actors.

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A backstage pass at a concert.

What are the release dates for GFL Presents Real Fights - 2012?

GFL Presents Real Fights - 2012 was released on: USA: 25 August 2012

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His name is Marty Wright. He was the guy on tough enough (the latest one ) who lied about his age. Also, he really eats worms backstage ANSWER: No he doesn't eat worms backstage geeeez

What are the release dates for GFL Presents Real Fights - 2012 Friday Night Fights Dover Downs 1-4?

GFL Presents Real Fights - 2012 Friday Night Fights Dover Downs 1-4 was released on: USA: 22 September 2012

What are the release dates for GFL Presents Real Fights - 2012 Friday Night Fights Dover Downs 2-4?

GFL Presents Real Fights - 2012 Friday Night Fights Dover Downs 2-4 was released on: USA: 25 February 2013

Is the penguin band real?

yes but you can only see them during the music jam backstage