Erik Per Sullivan has never publicly discussed his sexual orientation.
Erik Per Sullivan is 25 years old (birthdate: July 12, 1991).
No, Erik Estrada is married to a woman named Nanette. He has only been married the one time. There two ladies, Elise and Emmalyn are the daughters of Evelyn Estrada. They're Filipino, Erik Estrada is Hispanic American. No relation
Erik Bartik's birth name is Erik Alexander Bartik.
Erik Marmo's birth name is Erik Marmo de Moraes.
Erik Per Sullivan was born on July 12, 1991.
Erik Per Sullivan was born on July 12, 1991.
Erik Per Sullivan has never publicly discussed his sexual orientation.
Knock First - 2003 Erik Per Sullivan was released on: USA: 14 April 2004
Erik per Sullivan
No, is a fake.
No, he's an only child.
Erik per Sullivan
Erik per Sullivan
Erik Per Sullivan is 25 years old (birthdate: July 12, 1991).
he is the little brother
No, Erik Per Sullivan is alive as of my last update. He is the actor best known for his role as Dewey in the TV show "Malcolm in the Middle."