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Q: Are any of the ladies from The Golden Girls gay?
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Is Michael from The Golden Girls gay?

If you mean the character, No. If you mean the actor, Scott Jacoby, No as well.

What happened to the gay guy on the first episode of the golden girls?

He was the cook. He was simply written out of the show.

Are any of the girls in the group pink dollaz gay?

No They Are Not.

Who is kyno97?

kyno97 is a muscle man who is hot and sexy. He loves girls so hes not gay. Ladies I hav a gaia acount at

What does gay ladies mean?

A gay woman is usually called a lesbian.

Is Bret hart gay?

He Is Bisexual But he is not gay or a cry baby like some, After all he is a wrestler , but now a hall of famer he kissed guys and girls but , he was a ladies man when he was 10 to 17 Years old . give him credit.

Do men shop more or ladies shop more?

ladies unless the guy is gay

Is efren ramirez gay?

yes he is gay, sorry ladies, he likes hotdogs

Did Justin Bieber sing with any girls?

No. It would be awkward as most girls are crazy about Justin but she's not gay.

What is a gay girls name?

There is no specific name that is exclusively for gay girls. Sexual orientation does not determine what someone's name should be. People of all sexual orientations can have any name they choose.

What do gay guys understand about girls better?

i don't think that only gay guy's answer is accepted, so here is my guys tend to understand girls better because girls accept gay guys as their "best girlfriends" and girls without any shame or boundaries expose them selves to them. they can be naked in front of gay guys and feel as if its ok, they also tell them many secretive thoughts and fantasies and so on... girls know that their best pal who is gay, will not have any intentions to sleep with them or take advantage of them, that's why girls feel super comfortable with a male "gay" figure when it comes sharing fantasies and secrets.these gay guys that used to be straight before have now both mentalities; the what used to be "a guy" is now a guy with "girls'" mentality. therefore gay guys can relate to both sexes.a straight guy can relate to both sexes if he hangs out with many girls on daily basis, however i doubt that there will be any girl that would want to share her deepest desires or darkest secrets with any straight guy.makes any sense?