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im not sure i have heard that they but i have also heard that she is dating munro chambers .

munro chambers is not 18. guys in my grade 8 class look like they've gone throughmore puberty than him. He was born in 1992. I don't know if you've seen his twin brother, bu he does not look 18. besides, why would he be acting as a 14 year old. Also, hes a competitive trampolinist, number two in like, Ontario, or something, behind his twin brother. If he was 18 he'd probably be close to the Olympics.

Hes not 18, he was born in 1992....

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes' they are

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Q: Are Zoe Belkin and Justin Kelly going out?
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Did Justin Kelly ever date Zoe Belkin from the latest buzz?

No. I don't think so.

Who were acting in the latest buzz show?

Zoe Belkin, Demetrius Joyette, Justin Kelly, Vanessa Morgan and Munro Chambers.

Are Zoe belkin and munro chambers going out?

Last I heard, he was going out wit Vanessa Morgan, not Zoe Belkin.

Zoe Belkin and Justin Kelly?

Zoë Belkin is the actress who plays Athena on Degrassi. Justin Kelly is the actor who plays Jake Martin on Degrassi. The two are best known for their roles in "The Latest Buzz" with fellow Degrassi stars Munro Chambers, Demetrius Joyette, and Vanessa Morgan.

What are the names of the people that play in the latest buzz?

Zoe Belkin - Rebecca Justin Kelly- Noah Jackson Munro Chambers- Wilder Vanessa Morgan- Amanda Pierce Demetrius Joyette- Michael Daves

How old is Zoe Belkin?

Zoe Belkin is 24 years old (birthdate May 3, 1993).

How tall is Zoe belkin?

she is 162cm tall

Who plays Rebecca on the latest buzz?

Rebecca Harper is played by Zoe Belkin.

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How old is rebbecca from the cast of the latest buzz?

Zoe belkin who plays rebecca was born on May 3, 1993 making her 15 years old

Who has the most Justin Bieber posters?

Me, Zoe coz I have 1000

Names of actors in latest buzz show?

Zoe, Demetrius, Justin, Vanessa and Morgan.