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Darth Maul is Savage Opress' younger brother.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

Yes, they are brothers by blood

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Q: Are Savage Opress and Darth Maul related?
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Who ithe red and black star wars character?

There are multiple, but you probably mean Darth Maul. He has a red double-saber, and horns on his head. Episode I.

Who is Darth Maul played by?

Darth Maul was played by Ray Park. The character though was voiced by several actors, mainly Peter Serafinowicz in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, and Samuel Witwer in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

What is the red guys name in star-wars?

Darth Maul .

Who would win in a fight Palpatine or Voldemort.?

It would be Darth Maul because it took Obi-Wan and his master to kill him, plus if that lightsaber would've fallen with it's master, he would have no chance of winning. And Maul was caught off guard, so if there is no Obi-Wan there is no Darth Vader. Maul the assassin would win because he could kill Anakin if he wanted to, and yes probably if there was a battle between them I would say Darth Vader, but Maul is the next runner up!! You can't make the excuse that Maul was caught off guard, he's supposed to see things like that coming through a little thing called the Force, and Obi-Wan killed Maul by himself when he was still a Padawan. Vader would win this fight hands down. I hate when people make Maul out to be better than he is...he's utterly useless. Yeah, but he was still caught off guard when he thought he had Obi-Wan, and if that lightsaber had fallen with his master, he would have no chance, and I think he was just playing around with them. I really want to see what he can really do, but you have a point there, dude, he should of saw that one coming, but the look in his face when he thought he had won; he was all smiling thinking it was all over, doing a little trick with his light saber until Obi-Wan used the force on that cheap lightsaber. Everyone knows movies, a dude justs watches it over again and watches very closely.. Go Darth Maul!!!!!!! I still say Vader. Maul was named Darth Maul because he's like an animal with savage rage and anger, but Darth Vader, even when he was in his suit and just a shadow of his former self, was still very smart, i.e., when Luke was gaining the upper hand in straight up lightsaber combat in The Empire Strikes Back. He went to a different area where he could beat Luke. Maul isn't that smart. If he was, he would've just finished Obi-Wan when he was hanging there, instead of just putting those little sparks in his face by just scratching the ground with his saber. --- Honestly, it would have been Vader who won, because Maul was just an apprentice, who hadn't been trained very long. Vader had years of training, and even as Anakin he was stronger in the powers of the Force. DARTH VADER bcause when Darth Vader was chosan by the emporror the emporror said , soon i will have a new aprentice one more young and more powerfull, but that was count dooko but the aprentice gets better so if dooko is better then Darth maul then Darth Vader is better then Darth maul the only diffronts in it is that count dooko was not more powerfull then Darth maul cause maul is more powerfull then count dooko its just that count dooko was smarter and Darth Vader as anikan skywalker is just as powerfull as Darth maul. Until anikan became week and needed health so he put on the armer and Darth Vader was supreme Darth Vader is the best

Who are dark side characters in star wars?

Mentioned in the movies: Darth Plagueis Darth Sidious (Senator/Chancellor Palpatine) Darth Maul Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku) Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) In the Expanded Universe (comics, novels, games, etc.), there are dozens more, e.g. Darth Bane, Mara Jade, Asajj Ventress, Darth Talon, Darth Sion, Darth Malak, Darth Revan, etc.

Related questions

Who is the better star wars villain savage opress or Darth maul?

Darth Maul

Who is Savage Opress?

I think Savage Opress is perhaps a relative of Darth Maul ... I guess we're all going to have to wait and see.

What is Darth mauls real name?

Khameir opress is actually not his name. The previous answer submitted probablyvthough that because Savage Opress often refers to Maul as "brother" but this is not the case. Oppress means that they are both members of the nightbrothers. Maul's real name is Khameir Sarin.

Who would win out of savage opress and Darth maul?

That question is debatable. Personally, I can't tell since they're both extremely deadly and ruthless

When does Darth maul come back in the clone wars?

As of January 30, 2012, he will return soon since the Season 4 finale is near and, according to Wookieepedia, the 4-part season finale is about the return of not only Darth Maul, but also Asajj Ventress and Savage Opress

Is Darth Maul Savage's brother?


What is a zabrak?

its an alien fron star wars.darth maul is a zabrak and his brother savage opress is a zabrak to.darth maul was in star wars moveis on episode 1 the phantom menace and savage opress was on star wars the clone wars animated seireis on one episode named the beast.

Does savage oppress die in the clone wars?

Savage Opress has two brothers: Feral, seen in SW TCW 313 "Monster" who gets killed by Opress after the nightsisters transform Savage into a savage killer for Ventress' plot against Dooku, And the mysterious brother is none other than Darth Maul from "The Phantom Menace". Yes he did get sliced by Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Battle of Naboo, but apparently Maul survived and lived on in exile in the outer rim. Their was, I think, a non-canonical (I think, please correct me if you really know) story of Maul coming to attack Luke before Episode IV, and Owen Larrs apparently shot Maul in head after the Sith had a duel with Kenobi.

Will there be a star wars the clone wars season 5?

yes there will be because Darth Maul returned on march 16 2012 and that was the season finale of season 4 and at the end of the episode Savage Opress said to Maul that the Jedi would be looking for him and all Maul had to say was 'I'll be counting on it' so on march 23 2012 will be the begining of season 5.

What species is Darth Maul?

Darth Maul is a Zabrak, a species known for their distinctive facial tattoos and horns. He hails from the planet Dathomir.

Who is better Darth maul or grievous?

Darth Maul.

How did Darth maul get his horns?

Darth Maul's horns are part of his Zabrak anatomy, a species with natural horns. They are not something he acquired but rather a physical characteristic he was born with.