Teddy is alive and just celebrated his one year wedding anniversary! This is his second marriage.
Yes Sipho Johnson is still alive and planning his big comeback.....
yes. she preaches at Temple of Deliverance COGIC in Memphis, TN
babs and teddy stillgoing strong come in my shop nearly every day and you still can hear that lovely tone of their voices dont know about joy
Teddy is alive and just celebrated his one year wedding anniversary! This is his second marriage.
Yes Sipho Johnson is still alive and planning his big comeback.....
yes she is still alive born in 1942 and still looks good
Jimmie Johnson is still alive and racing.
No he died on Jan 13 2010.
yes she is
the president Andrew Johnson is dead, but not sure about other Andrew Johnson's out there.
No, Jimmie Johnson is not dead, he is still alive today.
Yes, and going strong.
Lansing, Michigan