I read a review the other day, that was written on 30/06/10 that said that they were. I really hope they stay together
No, they dated a little while after the show stopped airing, but it didn't work out. It was never a relationship; just a small thing Survivor does to make the show more interesting. He's now rumored to be dating Daniele Donato from Big Brother.
Richard is dating with Amanda...NO he's not. Amanda Tapping is happily married, she and hubby just had a baby girl named Olivia.
May 11th
the broke up because the had subsequently diffrences so i heard on wikepedia
Vanessa first dated Zac, then they broke up so she began dating Drake, then when they ended, she went back to Zac
No, Amanda and Ozzy did not have any children together. They are also no longer dating.
yes they are no they're not Amanda saw him kissing another girl
It was confirmed on Perez Hilton's website that her and Josh Hartnett are still dating.
yes :) check out his facebook page
y he used to be, but they broke up
Yes Ozzy Osbourne is still alive.
No, they dated a little while after the show stopped airing, but it didn't work out. It was never a relationship; just a small thing Survivor does to make the show more interesting. He's now rumored to be dating Daniele Donato from Big Brother.
No, Michael Phelps is not dating Amanda Beard.
Amanda Hendrick, he's dating her now.
Ozzy still makes muisic
Yes Ozzy Osbourne is still alive.
no Amanda is not dating oliver anymore..they broke up yesturday :( Amanda said on her facebook "wer're so over,we need a new word for over" Amanda and Oli are back together.