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No, Orlando Brown and Raven boyfriend and girlfriend. They're just actors who play on a Disney Channel popular show.

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Q: Are Orlando brown and raven boyfriend and girlfriend?
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Is raven going out with Orlando brown?

no, but theres a rumour that shes pregnant with a boyfriend

Who is Orlando brown dating?

Orlando brown was dating Raven-Symone but now he is dating the cheetah girl Keilly Williams

When did Orlando Brown get out of jail?

no one knows when he got out of jail but i do know that they canceled the show "That's so Raven" because Orlando Brown got in jail and that Raven Symoné was to old for Disney channel

What is Raven's theme song?

the raven theme song is called that's so raven

What is Eddie off that's so raven real name?

Orlando Brown

Who sings That's So Raven theme song?

Raven-Symone, Orlando Brown, and Anneliese Van Der Pol

Della Reese's song on That's So Raven?

NO, Raven-Symone', Orlando Brown, and Annalyisa Van der Pole did

What celeberties got arrested?

Orlando Brown from That's So Raven got arrested for marijuana use.

What is the real name of raven's two friends in that's so raven?

Chelsea Daniels is played by Annelise Van Der Pol. Eddie Thomas is played by Orlando Brown.

Is Orlando brown related to Raven?

no way r they related. come on they kissed in one of ravens show. theyre not related.

Does Orlando brown have kids?

yes he has two kids with raven samoye there names are Damon and Lillian symone

Who are in That's So Raven?

the characters in the tv show "thats so raven" are Chealsey, (played by anneliese van der Pol) Eddie, (played by Orlando Brown) Raven, (played by Raven Symone) Cory, (played by Kyle Massey) and Victor, (Raven's dad on the show played by Rondell Shieridan) - Raven