Yes, Mark and Anastasia Douglas (from The Key of Awesome) are married.
She was married to Barry Castagnola but they have now separated.
Yes, to writer Jackson Douglas.
Anastasia Hufnail goes by Stasia.
Anastasia Kolesnikova goes by Nastya.
The names of Cinderella's stepsisters in the animated Disney film are Anastasia and Drusilla.
Anastasia never got married and stayed single her whole life.
Paul Douglas married to Dorothy Wolff from 1915 to 1930 Paul Douglas married to Emily Taft Douglas in 1931
Paul Douglas married to Dorothy Wolff from 1915 to 1930 Yes, Paul Douglas married to Emily Taft Douglas in 1931
Kirk Douglas married to Diana Dill in 1943 Kirk Douglas married to Anne Buydens in 1954
Stephen Douglas married to Martha Martin in 1847 Stephen Douglas married to Adele Cutts in 1856
Robert Carlyle married to Anastasia Shirley in 1997
Yes, Kirk Douglas married to Diana Dill in 1943 Yes, Kirk Douglas married to Anne Buydens in 1954
Michael Douglas married to Diandra Luker from 1977 to 2000 Michael Douglas married to Catherine Zeta-Jones in 2000
Paul Douglas married to Dorothy Wolff from 1915 to 1930 Paul Douglas married to Emily Taft Douglas in 1931
Michael Douglas married to Diandra Luker from 1977 to 2000 Yes, Michael Douglas married to Catherine Zeta-Jones in 2000
Yes, Robert Carlyle married to Anastasia Shirley in 1997
Stephen Douglas married to Martha Martin in 1847 Stephen Douglas married to Adele Cutts in 1856