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It depend on what you compare them to. For example, Lesbians are better than broccoli.

(EDIT BY READER: Actually, the above may not always be true. I am lesbian, but I also happen to think that broccoli is a seriously under-appreciated vegetable, especially when fresh and not overcooked and served with a little squeeze of lemon or lime juice. Mmmmmm! For me, it would depend highly on the specific lesbian as to which came out on top in the comparison. Now, at least in my opinion, I tend to prefer both your average lesbian AND your average serving of well-prepared broccoli over someone who would be inclined to mock a defenseless vegetable just to get the real point across to the questioner. "Is blue better?" "Are hydro-electric dams better?" "Are lesbians better?" Erm...better than what, pray tell? Do try to think before you ask, at least a little. That is, if you're not a stalk of broccoli, at any rate.)

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