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Yup. Rob proposed on the set which brought Kirsten to tears! :)

In Twilight Eclipse Bella gets engaged then in Breaking Dawn Bella and Edward get married.

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14y ago

no they were going out but not anymore

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Q: Are Kirsten Stewart and Robbert Patterson engaged?
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Are Robbert Patinson and Kristen Stewart engaged?

They're not engaged, although they are dating.

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Rob Pattinson is engaged to Kristen Stewart.

Are Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Stewart engaged?

No they aren't. lol

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No, they are fictional characters and so don't exist in real life. The actors who play them, Kirsten Stewart and Robert Pattison are engaged.

Are robert Patterson and kristen stewart really engaged?

Yes, OK! Magazine said so and a lot of videos have hime saying it.

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Robert Patterson married to Kristen Stewart?

They were a couple for a bit but it didn't last. They were never even engaged, much less married.

Robert Patterson and Kristen Stewart engaged?

no there not this all another vishes rumor by the prest to get them to do more tv shoes get over ot leave them alone

Are Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Stewart dating i saw a magazine saying yes we are dating but everyone else saying they not so what is true neone no?

They are ENGAGED!! They are getting married after Breaking dawn but if Midnight sun will be filming after that they will not.

Is Kirsten Vangsness really gay?

Yes she is and very happily engaged to her partner!

Are Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart engaged?

No, they are not.

Who is Kristen Stewart boyfriend's?

Kristen Stewart's boy friend is Robert P. , and they are engaged.