Chrissy and clay were dating from just after they went to palms springs until chrissy left for college then they tried a long distance relationship while chrissy was in Santa Barbra for college but when clay and grant came to surprise her with a visit at college they found her hooking up with another guy named billy. so they broke up. when they saw each other for Christmas chrissy made the desicion to transfer to USC so they could be together and rode off into the night through the harbor to end the shows second season. I have heard the makers of the show may be putting together a new season but i think it may be unlikely because we would have seen commercials for it. i really hope we get to see grant and clay of to college and wat happens with Taylor and who they all go to prom with.
No, Chrissy is dating a guy named Bryce. I know this for a fact.
In this show, Clay asks Chrissy out to da prom and she axcepts den its a whole new year and new season for this sizzlin show. Chrissy goes to a different college den Clay but they still keep in touch wid eachother. Any ways one day(a college day.) Clay and one of his best mates go to see Chrissy at her new college for a supprise Caly brought her flowers to take wid him to give to her cause dere dating and he loves her so yea. When arrives to her college he finds a supprise him-self, he saw Chrissy,his so called gf hooking up wid another guy by the way he was not hot. So thts when drama happens, it bedomes a new rumour.
As of my last update, there is no information confirming that Austin Clay and Hilly Hindi are dating. They are both content creators and actors known for their work on various projects, but any personal relationship between them has not been publicly confirmed.
he dating a woman name Tj lottie i think son name is Richard Clay Hamilton II So, does that mean he is NOT married?
No, he isn't dating her but they would make such a cute couple! I would LOVE to see them together. But unfortunately, Tyra has a boyfriend whose name escapes me..... :D
The hero of a Babylonian flood myth whose story is preserved on clay tablets dating to the 17th century B.C.
google said mud & baked clay encycolpedia said archaeological and geological materials
A clay pipe is a type of smoking pipe made from clay rather than wood or metal. It has a long history, dating back hundreds of years, and has been used by various cultures around the world. Clay pipes are known for their simplicity and affordability, making them popular among tobacco smokers looking for a traditional smoking experience.
Clay has been used by humans for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations. There is no specific individual credited with discovering clay, as it has always been a natural resource found in the earth's crust.
It was located in Ashurbanipal in Iraq. It is the oldest library in the world and contained clay tablets dating from the 7th century.