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Q: Are Amanda righetti breasts real or fake?
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Are Vanessa Blue's breasts real or fake?

100% FAKE

Is bipasha basu's breasts fake?

No. Bipasha Basu's breasts are not fake. They are absolutely real as confirmed by her. She likes to keep it real and stays fit by doing yoga. So they are not fake.

Are Candice Michelle's breasts fake?

No they real

Are Bea Flora's breasts real or fake?

They're real

Are Ashlynn Brooke's breasts real or fake?

no it s fake but it s big and beautiful

Are Jenifer Anistons breasts real?

unfortunately not. they look real to me but they are fake!

Are April O'Neil's breasts fake?

April O'Niel is a fictional character from the children's TV series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Her breasts are neither real or fake, because she does not exist in real life.

What is better fake breasts or real breasts?

Real boobs all the way! Fake boobs all look the same, lifted up and perfectly round. But they sometimes are good if they are not too big. real boobs

Does Cheryl Cole have fake breasts?

No. She has "The most envied and real boobs in showbiz."

Do real breasts or fake breasts weigh more?

Real breasts weigh more than silicone implants because of the higher specific gravity of muscle and blood (and milk in nursing breasts).

Are kendra wilkinson's breasts real?

NOOO!!! She talks about them all the time being fake

Do the women on MASTASIAcom have real breast or are they fake?

They are fake breast forms. You never see the models totally naked on top...they need to conceal the harnesses for the fake breasts. Totally real looking and acting breast models....but fake nonetheless.