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the night before life goes on my Carrie Underwood :)

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Q: Any songs about a boyfriend going off to college?
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I'm wondering that too... do you know any songs or anything to help you out? i'm really worried.

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your boyfriend. but they arent any good

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since your singing to your your boyfriend i would pick some type of Taylor swift song

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any college as long as you graduate like I'm going to regular college

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get another boyfriend and make ur ex boyfriend jelous

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Get a new boyfriend. He is irresponsible and immature.

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Yes; Jessie J will continue to make more songs.

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they already have

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ok i think the best band to listen to is ksm. they have really good songs about relationships and they are alternative rock not soft songs......i think they will help u

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No. Also, I wouldn't recommend going any farther with those fantasies.

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Does Tony have any friends outside of NCIS?

I think so. He has all the people he went to college with. I remember one particular episode where he mentioned that he was going for a drink with one of his friends who also happened to be Kate's new boyfriend