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Anti-Venom is more durable because it doesn't have the same weaknesses to sound and heat that Venom has. That being said, Anti-Venom is created from the cells of the original Venom symbiote, so it is safe to assume he is of relatively similar strength. Anti-Venom has no consciousness, unlike venom. Anyone/thing that hosts venom also has to deal with Venom's consciousness, unlike A-V, which is under complete control of the host. Added, Anti-Venom can completely control his symbiotic flesh, and create sharp and blunt weapons out of his own tissue, even web so he can move like spider man. Venom does not have this, he can use his tissue as web, specifically. However, Venom has much more skill and experience, as he has been alive and fighting much longer than Anti Venom. So genetically, Anti Venom is superior, but experience-wise, Venom is superior.

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Q: Anti venom or venom who would win?
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