cant be outside the ring longer than a 10 count.
pin takes 3 seconds
submission requires the person to either tap out, or unconcious.
if the person is being beaten to a pulp the person is considered unable to continue.
in DQ matches no weapons are allow such as chairs.
if you do a submission while they grab the rope you have 5 seconds to let go
you cannot hit anyone not in the match
you cannot hit the ref
you cannot keep them in the corner over 5 seconds
choking is illegal
No he did not
watch it liive at
39.99 plus tax on PPV
John cena
WWE All Stars was created on 2011-03-29.
Yes there is rules in the WWE
yes, they do that all the time
All WWE ppvs except for WrestleMania start at 8pm.
sheamus all ready retired him at extreme rules HHH is not retired
Read The rules.
You will have to ask someone else that question
WWE Extreme Rules - 2010 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M USA:TV-PG
WWE Extreme Rules - 2011 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M USA:TV-PG
John Cena
no but I did go to extreme rules 2012