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I don't know but it is none of anyone's business.

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Q: Adam Brand is dating 18yr old Chelsea Basham why is this ok?
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Does Adam Brand now have a girlfriend?

Yes he does, he is dating 18yr old Chelsea Basham from Wongon Hills WA.

Does Adam have a girlfriend now?

Yes he does, he is dating 18yr old Chelsea Basham from Wongon Hills WA.

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an 18yr old dating a 14yr? that 18yr old must have NO LIFE. If your dating him you should stop. If someone you know is dating him you should tell them to stop.

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No. There are no laws prohibiting dating.

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It is illegal at 18 you are an adult dating a minor and charges could be brought against you. Date someone your own age.

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There are no laws for dating in the US so that will be up to the parents of the minor. For sex the minor have to have reached the age of consent.

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its only legal if you sleep together in till the girl is 18

Can you get child support for your 18yr old dissable son in Georgia?

That ought to be possible.