Here's good advice, as in A word to the wise: don't walk alone here because these streets are not safe at night. A shortening of A word to the wise is enough, as it was put by Roman writers, this phrase in English dates from the mid-1500s.
Franz Wise's birth name is Franz Rheinhardt Wise.
Roland Wise is 5' 10".
DeWanda Wise's birth name is DeWanda Jackson.
The duration of Wise Quacks is 420.0 seconds.
Percival Kinnear Wise was born in 1885.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
The Aramaic word for wise is "άάάά."
The expression "a word to the wise is sufficient" is how I've always heard it. It indicates that a warning is enough for some people. They will then stop/not start an unwanted action. Other people don't know when to quit. They don't take the hint and end up having to suffer the consequences of their actions.
"Erudite" is an abstract word for wise.
The Hawaiian word for wise is Κ»ikepili.
The positive form of a word is usually the unaltered word itself. The positive for the word wise is ...wise.
enough is a sufficient synonym.
No,wise is a noun.
aaqil-- intelligent, : wise
wise tree :)