A bar line divides a staff into bars or measures. Each measure (or bar) will contain a certain number of notes, rests, possible sharps or flats and may include other musical markings. Each measure is governed by a time signature and a key signature and a clef.
It could be FINE, an Italian musical command meaning "end." The last bar or measure of a score would have a double line (bar) or ending bar. Also at the end of some songs is a section called a CODA which is always at the end.
A double bar - a thin line followed by a thick line - signifies the end of a piece of music. On occasion the word "Fine" (fee-nay) accompanies this symbol.
the double bar line thankz I believe it is not the double bar line it is called the measure because the double bar line is at the end of a peice of music Do not Say thank you to him/her who wrote first GOT IT?!?!?!?!?! See ya later!:]
a pick up note at the begining and apart of a measure at the end.
If it's at the end of a music piece, a double bar line. It looks like a thin, vertical line, with a thicker, vertical line to the right of it. If it's not the end of a piece, usually a measure ends it (a thin vertical line), but not always. Sometimes the measure continues into the next line, in which there is nothing at the end of the staff.
If it's at the end of a music piece, a double bar line. It looks like a thin, vertical line, with a thicker, vertical line to the right of it. If it's not the end of a piece, usually a measure ends it (a thin vertical line), but not always. Sometimes the measure continues into the next line, in which there is nothing at the end of the staff.
it indicates the ending.
A double bar-line indicates the end of a section. When the second line is thicker than the first, it indicates the end of the piece.
The homonym of "plum" is "plumb," which refers to a weight on the end of a line to measure water depth or a tool used for finding the vertical in construction.
line break
end mark
Example: First draw a base line 7 inches long. Measure 3.5 from one end and mark the middle. Draw a 7 inch vertical line from the middle mark at right-angles to the base line. Draw a line from the top of the vertical line to one end of the base line. Repeat on other side. You have now constructed an equilateral triangle, with 3 angles of 60 degrees.
From the starting point, draw a horizontal line 17.3 inches long. From the end of that line, draw a vertical line 10 inches long. The line from the starting point to the end of the vertical line makes an angle of 30.03° with the horizontal line.
A double bar line indicates the end of a section or piece of music. It is typically used to separate distinct sections within a composition, such as verses and choruses in a song or movements in a classical piece.
what ever it wants to be
you draw a straight line horizontally ( up then down ) then draw a vertical ( sideways ) attached to the horizontal line and draw another horizontal line on the other end of the vertical line it looks like this H