I'd say your answer is: entrepreneur.
Entrepreneur - someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it.
A low risk taker is someone who often does not try new things and is comfortable with actions that are routine and comfortable.
Balanced, reflective, inquirer, communicator, knowledgable, caring, open-minded, thinker, principeled, risk-taker
sir alan sugar is an Creative Innovative Risk Taker Capital Generator Leader Motivator Adaptive to Suggestions Energetic Committed High Perseverance Person Able to Assume Responsibility person Able to Deal with Failure Tolerant for Ambiguity
The most common and well known risk of commercial tanning beds is Melanoma or skin cancer. However, the risks do not end there. There is also potential risk to the eyes if proper eyeware is not worn. Lastly there is the infamous sunburn.
That is illegal, the movie just came out last Wednesday. If you want to risk it, you can search online for a free online movie website.
He was a risk-taker
she was a very sucessful risk taker
Importance of being a risk taker?"
Importance of being a risk taker?"
Mc Arthur
yes gilad shalit is a risk taker
=yes he was a risk taker=
He was a risk taker from 1958~1993 (google it if you dont believe me)
gambler or risk taker
A risk taker can be a person that tries dangerous things like, bungy jumping or parachuting. A risk taker can also be someone that changes their career when they are 50 years old.