Royal instant pudding. I'd love to find that commercial and watch it. I loved it as a very young child.
industrious street
"Busy Doin' Nothin" was written by Brian Wilson .
The duration of The Busy World of Richard Scarry is 1800.0 seconds.
A busybody or meddler is often used to describe someone who is overly nosy and intrusive in the affairs of others.
No. They could be synonyms.
Nosy busy-body (female)
nosy means the person who checks whatever you do
brown noser
In Spanish, a nosey person is a "big nose," a "narizón/a."
A snoopy person is commonly referred to as nosy, intrusive, or prying.
an old person that wants to know everything they are nosy
That type of person would be calles a snooper, such as the kind that are always nosy. :0)
If they are nosy, it is impolite, but not mean. If they aren't actually nosy, then yes, it is mean.
fire diet open anal upon echo opal oval idea nosy tidy puny oily busy many
The word "nosy" is an adjective.