Johnny Oates was born on January 21, 1946.
Behzad Bahadori was born in 1973, in Iran.
Cissy King was born on January 03, 1946
Limm Sueii was born on October 14, 1946, in Hong Kong, China.
Don Henley was born on July 22, 1947
You were born in 1947 if you have had your birthday in 2017, or else 1946.
Very close. He was born in 1947
1947 was the Year of the Boar under the Chinese Zodiac.
Greg Guma was born on March 4, 1947.
Kazuhiko Kato - musician - was born on 1947-03-21.
1934 in 2009 you would of been born in 1946 in 2010 you would of been born in 1947
2009 - 63 = 1946 2010- 63=1947
Hilary Clinton was born on October 26, 1947.
He was born on a leap year?
One source says 1946, another one says 1947.
Zhoro Nedelkov was born on February 23, 1947, in Sofia, Bulgaria.
1946 Richard Nixon had two daughters Tricia (born February 21st, 1946 ) and Julie (born July 5th, 1948). Tricia married corporate lawyer Edward Finch Cox and lives in Manhattan. Julie married David Eisenhower and lives in Devon, Pennsylvania.