Old? Really, your so old you still remember when you stepped on dinosaur turds.
Im you from the future
A good classy comeback for a girl is "that is why there is only one me".
Sully is 1999 years old :D good look with the homework :D
tell them to go kick rocks haha lol (:
Im not short, im fun sized you but u, u a freak!
The Comeback
a good comeback to that is you wish.
A good comeback could be: So ? Or : And your point is ?...
Yo' mama! Is a good comeback
That was a pretty good one, for anidiot (or half-ass)
Say "that person must be very pretty then"
depends on how you use it no way in 10000000 years it is a good general comeback is SAYS YOU your face makes me wanna barf
Comeback: What were you looking in the mirror when you said that?
a good comeback would be " look who is talking" "there's a mirror hun, woops! it broke!!" "haha i wouldn't be talking if i were you."
A good comeback for "you should look in the mirror" could be "Why? Am I supposed to be afraid of my own reflection?" Or you could go with a classic: "I did, and even my mirror couldn't handle all this fabulousness." Just remember, confidence is key when throwing shade back at someone.
ignore the person then do it later
super cs\