The most impressive celebrity diamond ring currently on record is the ring given to Elizabeth Taylor by Michael Todd in 1957. This diamond ring was 30 carats.
Not sure if you just meant their first names had to be 3 letters, but the one of the top of my head is...Mia Faro, hope that helps.
It is supposed to represent the "Tree of Life" otherwise known as "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil". It is found in the book of Genesis chapter 2 verse 9 and is meant to represent the freedom of choice. I must say that this movie randomly threw in biblical references without explanation and really should be taken purely for entertainment value.
"Exemple de lettre de motivation" is French and can be translated as an "example of a cover letter explaining your motivations" which one would usually send with a resume.
You didn't quite specify what u meant by rated. I noticed it was rated usually around 5 stars or about 9ish out of 10. And probably R for all the violence, blood, nudity, etc.
If its meant to be, you will make it work somehow.
Lo siento. Eso era para otra persona.
The Congress is meant to represent the people.
Depending on what is meant by "celebrity thumbs," there are several possible answers. Celebrity thumbnails, or small pictures, are often used to give a general idea of the possible images relating to a celebrity. There is also an adult website with the name "Celebrity Thumbs" for nude photos of celebrities.
It was meant to be pointed to heaven like a prayer.
A force is a vector - in two dimensions, you can represent it on paper as an arrow. Such vector/arrows have a size, and a direction. The size is usually called the "magnitude".
The time Persephone spent with Hades was meant to represent winter.
It is meant to remind us that God is present.
Not a lot of people know this, but Eddy Eagle is meant to abstractly represent forced sodomy.
The gargoyle is meant to represent protection. They are often placed on a building as a way to ward off harmful or evil spirits.
It is meant to represent Taurus the bull in Greek Mythology.
There were several types of gladiators. Only one type was armed with a net and a trident (three-pointed spear). He was meant to represent King Neptune, and his opponent in armour was meant to represent a sea monster.