nirvana by el bosco
The shortest Nirvana song should be "The Rose", sung by Kurt Cobain prior to opening of Live at Reading on '92.
Maybe... "About a Girl" by Nirvana
title of song used in closed up toothpaste commercial
Come as You Are - Nirvana song - was created in 1991.
The song is Come As You Are - By: Nirvana This song is on their 2nd studio album, Nevermind.
About a Girl - Nirvana song - was created on 1994-10-24.
Lithium - Nirvana song - was created on 1992-07-21.
Come As You Are - Nirvana
Nirvana published the song Come as you are in 1992 as a part of their album Nevermind. They also published this album in 1992. The song is written by nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. This song was their second american top 40 hit.
nirvana by el bosco
The song 'Lithium' was recorded by Nirvana in 1990. You can learn more about Nirvana's song 'Lithium' at the Wikipedia. Once on the website, type "Lithium (Nirvana)" into the search bar at the top right corner of the page and press enter to bring up the information.
The shortest Nirvana song should be "The Rose", sung by Kurt Cobain prior to opening of Live at Reading on '92.
No, although there are 36 different bands that have covered this song at one time, Nirvana was not one of them
The Nirvana song Smells Like Teen Spirit was released on the album Nevermind in 1991. It was the song that did the best for Nirvana, reaching all the way to number six on the Billboard Hot 100.