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Q: A bob of mass 50 g oscillates as a simple pendulum with an amplitude 5 cm and period 2 s Calculate the instantaneous velocity of the bob and the tension in the supporting thread?
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What is amlitude?

The greater the amplitude, the higher the intensity and the louder the sound.

What does distortion mean in music?

A clean tone is the sound a guitar string makes when it is plucked. A common sound manipulation trick used in rock, and well, most types of music involving guitars, is "distortion". Distortion is what gives the guitar that electric sound we all love. The intro to this song is a guitar that is clean (no distortion): The intro to this song is a guitar that is distorted: Sorry I can give you the technical specifications. Check this out:

What is dynamics on music?

dynamics are how the music is played at certain points of the song (loud, soft, soft to loud, loud to soft, etc.). Like ƒ is a dynamic mark instructing you to play louder.

Term for the quality of musical sound?

Timbre is more to do with the makeup of the sound than the pitch. The reason that different instruments have different timbres is down in most cases to the physics behind the way the sound is produced. For example, imagine the sound of a piano playing middle C, and then the same note played on a violin, and then on a xylophone. They are all the same note, but they all sound different because they produce the sound in different ways - a string hit with a felt hammer has a different quality to a string scraped with a bow or a shaped piece of wood hit with a beater. If you want to get into more detail, the waveform produced by the instrument can be analysed into a 'fundamental' (the main pitch) and a number of 'harmonics' mathematically related to the fundamental. The more harmonics, the 'brighter' the sound.

How is the highness or lowness of a sound determined?

The pitch of a sound is determined by listening to it. Those with what is called perfect pitch can usually tell what the pitch of a given sound is. The rest of us can use simple electronic equipment that can "read" the frequency of a given waveform.Recall that the mechanical energy we call sound has a pair of basic properties, those being frequency and amplitude. Many different electronic equipments (like an oscilloscope, for one) can be connected to a microphone to determine the pitch of a sound under investigation.

Related questions

Two waves meet at a time when one has the instantaneous amplitude A and the other has the instantaneous amplitude B Their combined amplitude at this time is?

A + b

What is instantaneous amplitude?

Instantaneous amplitude is the magnitude or strength of a signal at any specific point in time. It measures the maximum distance of a wave from its baseline or center point at a particular moment in time. In telecommunications and signal processing, instantaneous amplitude is important for modulating signals and analyzing waveforms.

Two waves meet at the same time when one has a instantaneous amplitude of A and the other has the instantaneous amplitude of B Their combined amplitude at this time is?

When two waves with amplitudes A and B meet at the same time, their combined amplitude is the sum of their individual amplitudes. Therefore, the combined amplitude at this time would be A + B.

What is amplitude modulation derive expression for am wave and modulation index?

the maximum amplitude of carrier wave varied with respect to instantaneous values of message signal is called amplitude modulation

Would amplitude increase if frequency increased?

No, amplitude is not directly related to frequency. Amplitude refers to the intensity or magnitude of a wave, while frequency refers to the number of times a wave oscillates in a given period. Changing the frequency of a wave will not automatically change its amplitude.

What is transverse and amplitude?

Transverse refers to a wave motion in which particles move perpendicular to the direction of the wave's propagation. Amplitude represents the maximum displacement or distance a particle oscillates from its equilibrium position in a wave.

The instantaneous value of current in an AC circuit is represented by 150 sin 2π x 30t What are the amplitude and frequency of the AC wave?

The amplitude is 150; 30

How do you find amplitude in waves?

The amplitude of a wave is the measure of its maximum displacement from the equilibrium position. To find the amplitude, you measure the distance between the equilibrium position and the peak (or trough) of the wave. This value represents the maximum amount by which the wave oscillates from its resting point.

Is an electric field associated with an electromagnetic wave constant in time?

Yes, in a vacuum an electromagnetic wave has a constant electric field amplitude. This field oscillates in time as the wave propagates.

How can you determine the amplitude of a light wave?

The amplitude of a light wave can be determined by measuring the maximum displacement of the electric or magnetic field from its equilibrium position as the wave oscillates. This maximum displacement corresponds to the maximum intensity of the light wave. The higher the amplitude, the more intense the light wave is.

Measures the amount of particle vibration?

The amplitude of a wave measures the amount of particle vibration. It is the maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position as it oscillates back and forth in a wave.

When describing waves what does amplitude refer to?

Amplitude refers to the maximum displacement of the wave from its rest position. It is a measure of the strength or intensity of the wave. A larger amplitude indicates a more powerful wave, while a smaller amplitude indicates a weaker wave.