The English meaning of the word THANIMA is UNIQUE.
English meaning of word mezban is Host
Aluminum is the English meaning of the unscrambled word mimnluau.
Boron is the English meaning of the unscrambled word roonb.
bromine is the English meaning of the unscrambled word miobner.
Manana is the Spanish word for "tomorrow". When used in an English conversation, it means sometime in the future. In the Filipino culture, a manana habit means to do a task later, and later, and later resulting in procrastination.
"¿Qué fecha es mañana?" translates to "What is the date tomorrow?" in English.
Manana -- mañana
"mañana" means "morning," and also "tomorrow"
The English meaning for the word mtorongyeM is motormen.
The English meaning for the word ihePxon is Phoenix.
The English meaning for the word eicRtLkolt is collier.
The English meaning for the word aGdnear is danger.
The English meaning for the word oeGeualdup is Guadalupe.
The English meaning for the word aGdnear is danger.
Talk to you manana. Manana being the Spanish word for (later)
The English meaning of the word THANIMA is UNIQUE.