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Joy of living is an English equivalent of 'joie de vivre'. The feminine noun 'joie' means 'joy'. It takes as its definite article 'la' ['the'], and as its indefinite 'une' ['a, one']. The preposition 'de' means 'of'. The infinitive 'vivre' means 'to live'. All together, they're pronounced 'zhwah duh vee-vruh'.

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Q: What is the French 'joie de vivre' in English?
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What does joy of life mean in French?

Joie de vivre

What is joy of life in french?

Translation: Joie de vivre

What are popular french phrases like joie de vivre?

joie = joy; de = of (or for); vivre = to live; so literally "joy for/of living" or love of life

What does joi de verve mean?

Joy of life french -> English translation joie de vivre (French) = literally, "joy of life"; figuratively, it means pleasure, buoyancy, and exuberance over one's situation. It is a common borrowing in English and can be used in the course of an English sentence. A classic example its use is in a story by P.G. Wodehouse: "Old ladies who are bedridden seldom bubble over with excitement and joie de vivre."

What is Joie de Vivre Hospitality's population?

Joie de Vivre Hospitality's population is 2,010.

What is the population of Joie de Vivre Hospitality?

Joie de Vivre Hospitality's population is 2,500.

When was La Joie de vivre created?

La Joie de vivre was created in 1883.

French expression for joy for life?

la joie de vivre

Use joie de vivre in a sentence?

She approached each day with a contagious joie de vivre that uplifted everyone around her.

When was Joie de Vivre Hospitality created?

Joie de Vivre Hospitality was created on 2010-07-04.

Joie de vevre used in a sentence?

The French expression, " Joie de Vivre :, meaning the joy of life, is frequently used by English speakers who want to add colour to their speaking by using foreign expressions instead of just common English expressions.

What is spirit of life in French?

"l'esprit de la joie", but that sounds a bit odd in French.